Aubier Environnement is an environmentally-oriented firm whose mission is to improve the integration of human activity to its environment through the use of plants and erosion control techniques.
The firm offers its expertise in order to:
- Bring concrete solutions to erosion problems
- Re-establish altered environments by reintegrating native flora
- Reduce the environmental footprint of infrastructure projects
- Conciliate aesthetic and environmental considerations in landscaping
- Contribute to integrated water management aiming to reduce eutrophication of water bodies
We offer the following services
- Shoreline stabilisation and rehabilitation (erosion control, bioengineering…)
- Remediation of altered environments (buffer strips, deforested areas…)
- Storm-water management and stabilisation of ditches
- Integrated landscaping (rain gardens, pathways, LEED projects…)
For all projects we offer a turnkey solution including:
- Consultation
- Plans, recommendations and specifications
- Authorisation applications to competent authorities
- Project realisation
- Work supervision and follow-up
The company is led by Gabriel Charbonneau, forest engineer. In order to offer multidisciplinary expertise, AUBIER Environnement is working in close collaboration with a team of specialists composed of:
- Water management, hydrology and environment engineer
- Geotechnical engineer
- Biologist
- River technician
- Horticultural technologist
- Landscape architect
Project realisation is assured by a team of horticultural workers under the supervision of a professional.